
Love Marriage Solutions

Love Marriage Solutions 11-May-2023

Love Marriage Solutions

Love marriage is a term used to describe a marriage where the partners have chosen each other based on mutual affection, rather than an arranged marriage where families play a role in choosing the spouse. Love marriages can face many challenges, including societal pressure, family disapproval, cultural differences, financial problems, and compatibility issues.

Astrologers like Akhilesh Pandey ji may use various astrological techniques and remedies to address these challenges and help couples overcome them. Some common solutions offered by astrologers for love marriages include:

Kundali Matching: Kundali matching is a traditional practice in Hindu astrology where the horoscopes of the bride and groom are matched to ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of marital problems.

Gemstone Therapy: Astrologers may recommend wearing certain gemstones based on the position of planets in the horoscope to enhance positive energy and minimize negative influences.

Mantra and Puja: Astrologers may prescribe specific mantras or perform puja to strengthen the relationship and overcome any obstacles.

Vashikaran: Vashikaran is a practice in Hindu astrology where one person gains control over another person's thoughts, feelings, and actions. Astrologers may use vashikaran to help the couple overcome any family or societal opposition to the marriage.

It is important to note that not all astrologers offer the same solutions, and not all solutions may work for every couple. It is important to carefully consider the advice of any astrologer before making any decisions related to your love marriage.

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