Janam Kundali

Janam Kundali

Janam Kundali Predictions by Date of Birth & Time

Janam Kundali Predictions by Date of Birth & Time

Janampatri is stated to be the graphical sketch of planets as per the time of a person’s birth originated by ancient pandits. It describes Planets, rising stars, yogas and dasas with their effects. Generally, it is ready provided one’s birth details and discovers many future issues regarding a particular person and his or her life in advance. Zodiac sign, movements and situation of the planets in horoscope describe the status of each stage of one‘s life from born to teenage, adult and old age.

Importance of Janam Kundali:

It is important to make an accurate Janam Kundali by date of birth & time with proper matching to get the best result. Parents go to the expert astrologers to make an accurate Janam Kundali Prediction for their child on his or her birth time.

Janam Kundali Predictions about your life:

  • How much you get an education in your life
  • Your marriage life
  • Health
  • Aware about if you have the sharp dosh, Manglik or any other problem
  • About career growth in your life
  • Child problem and much more

Janam Kundali Predictions is great Graha sthanam by which you can get knowledge about your future. But, Janampatri provides perfect details only when you have given the right Birth details. It is also known as Jathakam in Telugu.

We, at the Graha sthanam, develop accurate Janam kundalini predictions according to information provided by you.
